Tips for Individual’s with ASD on Starting or Maintaining Employment

Career Services
AsIAm, an Irish based charity supporting the Irish Autistic community a offers careers service that can offer you information, support, and guidance for working, volunteering or education.
Visit their website for further information.
Disclosing Your Autism Diagnosis at Work
It can be hard to open about ASD to people who aren’t close to you. You also might be unaware of some of the advantages of disclosing this information to your employer. Some of these benefits include:
1. Not having to hide or mask that you are autistic
2. Employers are legally obliged to support you and make necessary adjustments
3. There may be a better understanding between you and your employer
4. Your work environment could be altered to be less over-stimulating
Interacting at Work
It is a good idea to ask your manager or HR team about assigning a workplace mentor to you. A mentor would be helpful to talk to if you are unsure about any unwritten instructions or any other issue you may have in general in work.

Advice for Employers
Through implementing some of this information it’ll help ensure a safer, happier environment for both adults with ASD and their employers.
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